Podcast Episodes
Grace & Kailynn - Competing for Pro Cards While Doing 12 Hr ICU/ER Nurse Shifts
Joseph Pircher - How to Have the Best Offseason to Grow Muscle, Getting to 280 Lbs
Paul and Mike - Funny PreWorkout Stories, High/Low Days Beneficial? Max GH Dose?
Mike Nassif - Multiple Pro Cards as Young Camp Jansen Coach, Bodybuilding Lessons
Cory Hageman - IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor, Coach, and Female PED Expert
Nicholas Weir - 280 lb Bodybuilder Recovering from Chronic Heart Failure, How to Prevent Heart Problems
Martin Silva - Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Overcoming Binge Eating, From Aesthetics to Health
Amy Kilian - What it Takes to be an NPC Bikini Competitor - Training, Diet, & More!
Ryan Root - Multi-Million $ Underground Testosterone Empire to Hormone Clinic (Part 2)
Ryan Root - Building a $500K per Week Steroid Empire and Helping People (Part 1)
Justin Jacoby - Winning IFBB Pro Cards Across All Divisions, Coaching Olympians
Paul and Mike - North Americans Analysis, How to Spot a Bad Coach
Tommy John - Bodybuilding as a Father, Skip Hill and Real Skip Loading
Paul Romzek - Transforming Your Bodybuilding Coaching, Finding and Simplifying Information
Mike White - Female Health and Physiology, Contraceptives, Digestion, Managing Fatigue in Prep
Jonathan Griffiths - Carnivore Bodybuilding Contest Win!
Amy Kilian - Inside a Plastic Surgery Practice, Beauty and Body Image, Bikini Competition
Gabriel Gariepy - Winning Pro Card in 1 Year, Gaining 50+ Lbs Of Stage Weight in a Year
Dom Kuza - Contest Peaking Masterclass
Felix Norman - 4 DAYS OUT Chicago Pro, North Amer Overall Champ, IFBB Pro
Jodi Wellman - You Only Die Once: How to Make it to the End with No Regrets
Dr. Alexander Hutchison - PEDs and Doping in Sports
Chase Irons - 5g Test 18iu GH Cycles, Why and How, Staying Healthy
Justin O'Donnell - 290 Lb Bodybuilder, Training with Brett Wilkin and Justin Jacoby
Kennedy “Colossus Ken” Anyanwu - Winning North Ams, First Pro Offseason
Kurt Havens - Everything Blood Glucose, Retiring from Competing
Nick Gloff - Coaching Beyond X&Os, PEDs, Advanced Training Programming
Dawid Olszewski - Polish Bodybuilder, PEDs, Added Fats
Jo Palacios - 1 Week out of Cal Pro, Winning USAs First Time Out
Zade Raslan - IFBB Pro, Bodybuilding with Weed, USA Champion
Kolton Lukes - Bodybuilding Research, PEDs, Why Coming Off Completely is a Bad Idea
Paul Austin - Psychedelics, Micro- and Macro Dosing, Benefits and Risks
Aaron Burke - Taeian Clark Short Cycles, Learning from Vigorous Steve
Elias McCall - IFBB Pro, Marine, Super Heavyweight Champion
Baidi Farl - Competing for a Pro Card, Life Beyond Bodybuilding
Robin Strand - From Bulimic to Pro Bodybuilder Competing for Olympia
Nicholas Weir – Overdieting on Prep, Moving to Open, Training and More
Sally Norton, MPH - Toxic Superfoods - How Oxalates Make You Sick and What to Do
Paul Barnett - Gaining 46 lbs of Stage Weight at 50 Years Old
Suzanne Alexander - Secrets of Paleo Tribes in Africa
Chris Tuttle - Coaching IFBB Pros, Successful Offseason, Rebounds, Electrolytes
Paul Kolodzik, MD - Semaglutide/Ozempic, Everything Blood Glucose
Justin Compton - Prep Length, Peaking, Rebounds, High Volume Training
Dr Georgia Ede - Mental Health Based on Food
Kurt Havens - Bodybuilding Pharmacology
Dane Johnson - Crohn's Colitis, IBD, and Coming Back from Near Death
DJ Madson - TRT for women & men, PEDs in bodybuilding
Suzanne Alexander - Vegan to Carnivore, Visiting Paleo Tribes (Pt 2)
Suzanne Alexander - Vegan to Carnivore, Visiting Paleo Tribes (Pt 1)
Kaylor Betts - Being Awake & “Winning”
Angela Parsons - High Oxalates, Lipedema, EDS, and Carnivore
Jeff Smith - Partnering with Jocko Willink, Beef Industry News, and Vertical Integration - Corrected
Jeff Smith - Partnering with Jocko Willink, Beef Industry News, and Vertical Integration
Zac Robinson PhD(c) - Should You Be Training To Failure?
Jonathan Griffiths - Carnivore Bodybuilding and Body Composition
Milo Wolf, PhD(c) - Get More Hypertrophies! Lengthened Partials, Training Intensity, Optimal Back Exercises, and More
Sam Feltham - 5K Calorie Experiments on Calories in Calories Out, Public Health Collaboration UK
Olivia Khwaja - PHCUK, Policy for Food Guidelines, Carnivore
Judy Cho - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and More!
Abel Csabai - Bulking and Cutting, Food Flexibility, Carnivore Experiment
Jordan Power - The Freedom Blueprint Conquering Chronic Illness (Ulcerative Colitis)
Dr. Kevin Stock - Meat Mouth, Carnivore Bulking, Bitcoin
Dr. Dave Maconi - Brains and Gains, Genetics, Optimal Hypertrophy
Sally Norton, MPH - Oxalates, the Hidden Plant Toxins in Many Keto Foods (Replay)
Dr. Georgia Ede - Plant Toxins & Meat-Based for Mental Health (Replay)
Dr. Adeel Khan - Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging for Top Athletes and Public
Eranda W - Prediabetes and Obesity in Remission with Low Carb and Fasting
How I Got SHREDDED For My Photoshoot (and what you can learn)
Eugene Trufkin - Etiology of Fat Gain and Modern Diseases and What to Do
Dr. Gregory Kelly - The Science of Anti-Aging and Living Better
Matt Maruca - The Science of Light and How it Affects Us
Dr. Rachel Brown - Carnivore Shrink and Metabolic Impacts on Mental Health
Dr. Chris Knobbe - How Seed Oils Destroy Our Health and Lead to Most Major Chronic Diseases
Casey Ruff - Takeaways, Stories, and Everything KetoCon 2023!
Autumn Wagner - Broken and Anorexia to Carnivore/Keto Cooking Enjoyment
Barton Scott - Fixing Nutrient Deficiencies to Improve Brain Chemistry, Dangers of Psychiatric Meds
Abel Csabai - Building Your Goal Physique Sustainably, Hypertrophy Deep-Dive
Serena Musick - Overcoming 35 Years of Binge Eating/Bulimia and Post Covid Syndrome
Ryan Kennedy - Functional Medicine and Incredibly Effective Short Workouts
Dr. Chris Black - The Carnivore Chiro and the Future of Healthcare
Tara Dussen and Natalie Kovarik - Dairy Farming and Cattle Ranching Myth Busting
David Fishchuk - Poverty, Entrepreneurship, and Mindset
Kay Stewart - Optimal Dog Nutrition and Why Vets Are Often Wrong
Brandon Miller - Maintaining 100 lb Weight Loss and Fixing IBD
Dr. Miki Ben-Dor - Living Paleo Style - Dealing with Ancestors-Modern Life Mismatch
Michael Mathieu - Quadriplegic Healing and New Life With Carnivore
Trevor Griffith - From Bedridden and Memory Loss to Thriving Entrepreneur
Monique Attinger - Low Oxalate Expert & Coach with 15 Years Experience
Jeannie - Low Ox After UTIs, Diverticular Infections, CDiff and More
Fin Maclaren MSc - How to Sleep Better, Carnivore for Eczema
Barry Luijbrets - Overcoming Chronic IBS and Improving Barry
Lolly Ciesl - Carnivore for Eating Disorder Recovery
Colt Milton - Carnivore/Keto Fat Loss, Bodybuilding, and Lessons Learned
Nicole Laurent - Mental Health Keto
Dr. Joel Gould - Modern Hunter Gatherers, What’s Truly Causing Sleep Disorders, and Deuterium
Dr Natalie E West - Curing Mental Health with Carnivore + Psychology
Alyssa Groebner - Overcoming Binge Eating, Fixing High Blood Pressure after Vegetarian/Vegan Diets
Michael Kummer - Feeding Your Family and Dog with a Primal Approach, Carnivore for Crossfit
Martin Silva - Over 15 Year Coaching, Optimising Health and Fitness Together, 2+ Years Animal-Based
The Meat Mafia - Cooking and Carnivore, Ultraendurance, and UC & IBS remission
Jonathan Griffiths - Carnivore Bodybuilding, Optimizing Body Composition Goals and Health
Q&A: Why You’re Stalled, Fruit, Best Macros for Fat Loss, What I Eat Now / Future
Dave Champion - Body Science, Lipid Lympatic System, Ketosis vs. Glucosis
Joey Schwartz - Carnivore Camaraderie, Diving Deep into Scientific Literature, Is Long-term No Fruit Dangerous?
Casey Ruff - Boundless Body Radio, Biggest Takeaways from 350 Podcasts with Experts
Jeff Smith - Why Beef Prices are Going Up, Key Differences in Online Meat Companies
James Leman - Strict Vegan/Vegetarian for 30+ Years, Almost Died, Now Carnivore
Sucha Kumar - Primal Yogi on Beating Disorded Eating, Vegan, and Hormonal Issues
Ryan Talbot - Carnivore for Elite Athletics - National Championship Decathlete
Dr. Scott Solomons - Ancestral Approach to Dentistry, Carnivore, and more!
Jayne Buxton - The Great Plant Based Con
Krisna Hanks - Tim Noakes Coach and Helping Elderly Get Life Back
Dr. Sarah Zaldivar - Overcoming Extreme Adversity, Acne, and Sugar Addiction with Carnivore
Dr. Miki Ben-Dor - Paleoanthropology Teaches Us about Carnivore, Protein vs. Fat, and Fruit
Kate Kavanaugh - Regenerative Farmer, Butcher, and Nutrition Therapist - Healing People and Soil
Dr. Norm Robillard - SIBO, Digestion, and Gut Health on Carnivore/Keto
Nicolette Hahn Niman - Defending Beef, Grain- vs. Grass-Finished, and Converting from 33 years Vegetarian
Dr. Elie Jarrouge - Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Without Conventional Advice
FIXED AUDIO: Dr. Ann Childers - How Diet and Psychology Interplay, Carnivore’s Effect on Behavior
Jen Winkler - Epilepsy, Fertility, Food Re-Introduction
Dr. Stephen Hussey - Heart Disease Deep Dive and What It Takes to Avoid It
Cherish Thompson - Feeling Better at 50 than 20, Beef Only Vs. Carnivore Variety, Tracking
Dr. Bill Schindler - How Our Ancestors Ate Meat, Vegetables, Dairy, and Nuts and What it Means
Ellie Rome - Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone (Retreats) and A Live Guided Breathing Session!
Dr. Ian Billinghurst - Carnivore Diet Doctor for Dogs & Cats on Raw Food Diets
Dr. Anthony Chaffee - Carnivore-Based Medicine, Beating Autism with Carnivore, Plants are Trying to Kill You
Laura Spath & Judy Cho - Carbs, Liver/Organs, Troubleshooting Carnivore
Dr. Joy Kong - The Revolutionary Effects of Stem Cell Therapy and Dispelling Common Myths
Kelsey Buchalter - Healing Anorexia & Mental Health, 4 Years on Carnivore
Dr Jen Unwin - Processed Food Addiction and Finding Food Freedom
Dr. Philip Ovadia - Heart Surgeon on How to Control Metabolic Health
Max Helmer - Managing ADD/ADHD Through Carnivore and Diets as Tools
Scott (me) - My Bodybuilding Journey and Current Training/Diet
Nikki Crendal - Bio Energetics Expert on Carnivore for Autoimmune Issues and Being a Top Athlete
Dr. Joan Ifland - Processed Food Addiction - Why, How, and What We Can Do About It!
Lauren Krauter - Birth Control Issues, Keto/Carnivore Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Robert Sikes - Ketogenic Bodybuilding, A Natural Athlete's Guide to Competitive Savagery
Jorgiea Raftopoulos - Raising 13K Sheep Humanely and Sustainably and Lamb Cooking Secrets
Beth Lipton & Ashleigh VanHouten - Carnivore–ish
Dr. Shawn Baker - Building a Meat-Based Carnivore Company and 5-Year Carnivore Learnings
Vanessa Spina - Keto/Carnivore Pregnancy, Tone Device for Burning Fat, and Everything Protein!
Manisha Thakor - Overcoming Bipolar 2, Carnivore vs. Carnivore-ish, Net vs. Total Carbs, Managing a Stressful Career
Barton Scott - How Poor Nutrient Absorption Is Creating Deficiencies and What You Can Do
Q&A - Top Lessons from Over 50 Guests in 2021, When You're Fasting too Much, When to Add Calories
Jake Thomas - Marine, Marathons, Bodybuilding, and Raw Carnivore
Colt and Taylor Milton - Carnivore Bodybuilding, How They Help People get in the Best Shape of Their Lives
Alysha - @fatfuelled - Making Carnivore More than Just a Diet
Keith McDonald - Fasting and Carnivore to Lose 100s of Lbs, Fix Libido and Increase Testosterone
Autumn Wagner - From Severe IBD, and Anxiety to Quitting Alcoholism and More
Dan Smart - Combining Carnivore, Calisthenics, and Common Sense to Find Your Best Health and Mental State
Danny Vega - Unexplainable Adventures: The Power of Influence
Laura - Living a Wholistic and Optimal Life with Carnivore, Healing Asthma, Allergies, and Gut
Battista Locatelli Pt 2 - Joyful Carnivore, Stabilizing Mental Health and Addiction, TRT, and More!
Dani Conway - 15+ Years of Keto/Carnivore Wisdom to Optimize Health, Fitness, and Mindset
Lillie Kane - How to Date Someone Who Isn’t Carnivore and Making Awesome YouTube Content
Linda Salant, @thecarnitarian - 6+ Years Carnivore - Why You Need to STOP Focusing on the Scale and How
Battista Locatelli - Losing over 100 lbs, Beating Meth and Heroin Addictions, and the Most Incredible Story
Justin G - Carnivore for Beating Migraines, Anxiety, Depression, and Addiction Management
Matt Gallant - BiOptimizers, Biohacking Digestion, Cyclical Keto, kApex, Physique Transformation
Laura Spath - Mental Requirements for Losing Hundreds of Pounds, Fasting, Protein vs. Fat
Eric Reynolds - Former Police Officer Overcoming PTSD, Educating Yourself, Coaching Others
Bella Steak and Butter Gal - Beef Only and Fasting, Healing Amenorrhea, Secret Fatty Steaks
Jeff Smith - Cattle Ranching Expert on Sustainability, Policy, the Future, and What You Can Do
Bronson Dant Interviews Me! (Carnivore, Protein, Exercise, TRT, more)
Ashley Noelle - Overcoming Child Abuse PTSD, IBS, Acne, and Energy from Vegan to Carnivore
Jeff Smith - Veteran Cattle Rancher Deep Dives on Cattle Raising and Finishing
Shift with CJ Interviews Me (Carnivore, Carbs, TRT, and more)
Mike McCain - Beating Addiction and Losing 110 Lbs through Carnivore
Carnivore Crisps - Anya and Hans Hippert
Raymond Nazon - Down 82 Lbs, Featured in Men's Health, Carnivore and Fasting
James Breakwell - Exploding Unicorn, Carnivore Comedian
Bronson Dant - Apex Training System and Freedom through Fitness
Janice Lum - Recovering Vegetarian, Overcoming Debilitating Mental Illness to Confident Carnivore
Cristy Code Red - Helping Thousands of People Lose 10% of Body Weight in a Month
Carnivore Cassie - Down 212 Lbs and Beating Obesity, IBS, Chronic Pain, and More
Carnivorous Chef - From 410 to 280 Lbs and Mental Stability on Keto and Carnivore
João Franco - Over 3 Years Carnivore, Self-Experimentation and Conquering IBS, Depression, Chronic Hunger
Bella - The Steak & Butter Gal - Carnivore Egg Pudding, Why Starting Carnivore Can be Hard, Embracing Fat and NOT Tracking Macros
Robb Wolf - Cows and Food Systems Over Abs, Grass vs. Grain Finished Beef, Vegan Diets in the Media
Lady Jacie Carnivory - @ladycarnivory - Bikini Competitor, Making Carnivore Simpler, Embracing Difficulty
Matteo Franceschetti - Improving Your Sleep and Which Sleep Tips Actually Matter
James Barry - Tom Cruise's Private Chef, From Vegan Chef to Carnivore and Pluck Founder
Andrew Sillitoe - Pro Roller Hockey Player on Overcoming Gout
Darryl Bosshardt - Salt Expert - Everything You Want to Know about Salt
Elizabeth Stern - 3 Years Carnivore, Off Meds and Down 50 Lbs, No More Carnivore Dogma
Brett Lloyd - Carnivore for Mental Health, Beating Major Depression for Himself and Others
Dr. Angela Stanton - Migraine Relief, Everything You Need to Know About Electrolytes, Keto/Glucose Brain Metabolism
Sarah Kleiner - High Fat Carnivore, Microbiome, and Female Hormones
Dr. Al Danenberg - Beating a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis with Ancestral Nutrition & Lifestyle
Rich Northrop - Building a Carnivore Community, IBS, Electrolytes, Histamines, and more!
Rebekah Farmer - @tailoredketohealth - Beating Trauma, Making Gains in all Aspects of Life, and Getting Shredded with a Carnivore Diet (World Carnivore Month)
Vivica Menegaz - The Essential Carnivore Diet Cookbook, Carnivore for Menopause (World Carnivore Month)
Sally Norton, MPH - Oxalate Deep Dive and Hidden Toxins in Common Keto Foods, Autoimmunity (World Carnivore Month)
Kelly Hogan - 11-Year Carnivore Gives Tips for Veteran Carnivores and Beginners Alike (World Carnivore Month)
Colin Stuckert - Being a Better Human and Resilient, Taking Action for Yourself, and Wild Foods
Dr. Ted Naiman - What to Do After Carnivore, Carbs vs. Fat, Simplifying Health and Optimal Body Composition
Tim Marr - Beating Cancer, Running Ultramarathons, and Staying Resilient
Michelle Hurn - Carnivore, Dietitian's Dilemma, and Ultramarathons
Marty Kendall - Big Fat Keto Lies and Optimizing Nutrition for Fat Loss
Casey Ruff - Metabolic Testing, Carnivore/Keto for Metabolism, and Boundless Body
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