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Janice Lum - Recovering Vegetarian, Overcoming Debilitating Mental Illness to Confident Carnivore

June 1, 2021 / by Scott


Janice Lum - @ribeye_love on Instagram - is a recovering vegetarian and a confident carnivore healing mental illness and low self-worth with the carnivore diet. She’s the host of the awesome Confident Carnivore podcast, which I was just a guest on, and also the co-host of Two-and-a-Half Asians with Steak and Butter Gal Bella or Raymond.


Janice's website: Confident Carnivore


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Cristy Code Red - Helping Thousands of People Lose 10% of Body Weight in a Month

May 26, 2021 / by Scott


Cristy “CodeRed” Nickel (@cristycodered) is the author of The Code Red Revolution, a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete. 


She created a nutrition program that enables people to lose 10% of their body weight per month without shakes, diet pills, diet foods, or exercise. She’s helped policemen, firemen, and EMS workers, as well as children and thousands of others lose weight and change their lives.


Cristy lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, Miles, and dog, Annabelle. She has a passion for running, mountain biking, snowboarding, yoga, and nutrition.


More from Cristy:





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Carnivore Cassie - Down 212 Lbs and Beating Obesity, IBS, Chronic Pain, and More

May 19, 2021 / by Scott

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Carnivore Cassie (@carnivorecassie) has lost 212 pounds total, 130 pounds via a carnivore diet and fasting. She’s been a carnivore for over a year and shares her story, food pics, and insights on her instagram page. Cassie has conquered obesity, IBS, chronic allergies, candida, chronic pain, and more!




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Carnivorous Chef - From 410 to 280 Lbs and Mental Stability on Keto and Carnivore

May 12, 2021 / by Scott


Reid is the @carnivorouschef. After stumbling through diets for much of his life, he went from 410 lbs to 280 lbs on the ketogenic diet and at the same time moved into cooking and the restaurant industry. He now uses the carnivore diet to help his mental health and sustain his weight loss. He creates content for those of us in the Carnivore Diet community that want to fulfill our culinary side of things from cooking basics to enhance your diet as well as coming up with ideas as a community to keep the diet interesting.




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João Franco - Over 3 Years Carnivore, Self-Experimentation and Conquering IBS, Depression, Chronic Hunger

May 5, 2021 / by Scott


João Franco (@carnivoreiam) is a self-taught coach focused on nutrition and biohacking who has been on a carnivore diet for over 3 years (1100 days)! Thanks to the diet he’s been able to manage and get relief from IBS, depression, gingivitis, plaque, chronic hunger, and hemorrhoids.




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Bella - The Steak & Butter Gal - Carnivore Egg Pudding, Why Starting Carnivore Can be Hard, Embracing Fat and NOT Tracking Macros

April 28, 2021 / by Scott

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Bella  (@steakandbuttergal) is a classically trained musician who graduated from The Juilliard School and is passionate about sharing her vegan to carnivore story. On Instagram and YouTube, she shares amazing recipes including her WORLD FAMOUS egg pudding, her story of improving her autoimmune conditions (eczema & psoriasis), acne, mental health, mood, and energy with a carnivore diet.


Steak and Butter Gal YouTube

Two and a Half Asians YouTube

Mighty Networks - Steak and Butter Gang




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Robb Wolf - Cows and Food Systems Over Abs, Grass vs. Grain Finished Beef, Vegan Diets in the Media

April 21, 2021 / by Scott

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Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) is a former research biochemist, considered by many as the Founder of the Paleo diet with his NYTimes best-selling books The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat.  Robb also cares deeply about regenerative agriculture and improving the health and sustainability of the world through many of his seminars and his recent book and film project, Sacred Cow with Diana Rodgers. Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his podcast, books and seminars. He’s worked with navy special forces, firefighters, the Chickasaw nation, Ketogains, the marine corps, the Canadian light infantry, NASA, and many others. Finally, he’s a badass BROWN belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Robb can be found at The Healthy Rebellion.




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Lady Jacie Carnivory - @ladycarnivory - Bikini Competitor, Making Carnivore Simpler, Embracing Difficulty

April 14, 2021 / by Scott


Lady Jacie Carnivory - @ladycarnivory - is a carnivore, former keto, and former vegetarian dieter who has an aspiring bikini competitor and animal-based diet advocate. After years of struggling with her health and fitness goals, she switched to a carnivore way of eating and talks about it openly on her Instagram, YouTube, and website.




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Matteo Franceschetti - Improving Your Sleep and Which Sleep Tips Actually Matter

April 7, 2021 / by Scott


Matteo Franceschetti (@matteofranceschetti) is the CEO of Eight Sleep, a company focused on using technology to help people optimize their sleep fitness and efficiency. More broadly, Matteo has been on a long quest to optimize his own human performance, health, nutrition, and fitness, and to share that with others. 




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James Barry - Tom Cruise's Private Chef, From Vegan Chef to Carnivore and Pluck Founder

March 31, 2021 / by Scott


James Barry (@chefjamesbarry) is the founder of Pluck, an organ-based, all-purpose seasoning. It's the first of its kind and an amazingly easy and delicious way for people to get organ meats into their diet.

James has spent 16 + years in the culinary field starting as a private chef. He’s been the vegan/vegetarian Chef on the Van’s Warped Tour, traveled to 50 North American cities, started a food delivery company, and cooked for Tom Cruise, Mariska Hargitay, George Clooney, Gerard Butler, Sean “Puffy” Combs, Barbra Streisand, and John Cusack.




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