Scott Mys Show Episodes

Q&A: Why You’re Stalled, Fruit, Best Macros for Fat Loss, What I Eat Now / Future

Written by Scott | October 29, 2022

This episode is a solocast Q&A with yours truly (@CarnivoreCast). I talk about cheat meals, macros, fat loss stalls and what to do about them, what I eat now / plan to in the future, and more!

Please let me know what you think and send me more questions for future Q&As! You can message me on instagram, email me, comment on YouTube, or send a carrier pigeon.





Thanks to BiOptimzers and their amazing kApex formula for optimizing digestion, boosting energy, and increasing metabolism on a carnivore diet. Try it yourself at and use code "carnivorecast10" to save 10%!


What questions would you like answered or who would you like to hear from in the carnivore or research community?

Let me know on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook