Podcast Episodes

Brett Lloyd - Carnivore for Mental Health, Beating Major Depression for Himself and Others

March 1, 2021 / by Scott

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Brett Lloyd (@thankful.carniore) is a Meat-RX coach, down 116 lbs on LCHF and carnivore, and survivor of decades of major depression and anxiety thanks to almost 3 years on a strict carnivore diet. Brett has used his expertise and learning to help many others with their mental health challenges and conditions through a keto or carnivore diet and he leads the weekly mental health group and weekly addiction group on MeatRx.




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Dr. Angela Stanton - Migraine Relief, Everything You Need to Know About Electrolytes, Keto/Glucose Brain Metabolism

February 23, 2021 / by Scott


Dr. Angela Stanton (@MigraineBook) is a migraine expert with a doctorate in neuroeconomics, which combines economics and neuroscience. Angela’s specialty was the neurotransmitters that are associated with decision-making. 

She now studies how the brain and nutrition interrelate, specifically focusing on migraine as a channelopathy, where electrolyte imbalance induced by glucose sensitivity and carbs intolerance is causing havoc.

Her latest book is Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide. How to Treat & Prevent Migraines Without Medicines and she is the founder of the Stanton Migraine Protocol


Her focus is on the importance of electrolytes and nutrition for migraine-free (and medicine-free) life.




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Sarah Kleiner - High Fat Carnivore, Microbiome, and Female Hormones

February 16, 2021 / by Scott


Sarah Kleiner, @carnivore.yogi on Instagram, returns to the Carnivore Cast for the second time! Check out part one here where we spoke about finding veganism, losing 100 pounds three separate times, her journey to find and experiment with carnivore and more! Sarah is a yoga instructor, autism mother, and meditation support group leader for parents with children with autism. Sarah is also an ex-vegan healing from PCOS, adrenal fatigue, depression, IBS, and eczema. She’s lost 100 pounds three separate times in her life! Sarah shares amazing honest, practical, and helpful content on her instagram page and YouTube channel.




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Dr. Al Danenberg - Beating a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis with Ancestral Nutrition & Lifestyle

February 8, 2021 / by Scott


Dr. Al Danenberg (@dr.danenberg)  was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer in September 2018 and was given only 3-6 months to live. He rejected all chemotherapy and is thriving today thanks to his ancestral nutrition and lifestyle approach.

Dr. Al is a periodontist and was in private practice for 44 years and he consults with patients all over the world regarding animal-based nutrition, lifestyle, oral & overall health, and the importance of a healthy gut and immune system. His certifications include CFMP (Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, he’s faculty at the College of Integrative Medicine, he’s ADAPT certified from the Kresser Institute, and he’s on the advisory board of NutriSense. Dr. Al is also the author of Crazy-Good Living which is based on ancestral nutrition and lifestyle.




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Rich Northrop - Building a Carnivore Community, IBS, Electrolytes, Histamines, and more!

February 2, 2021 / by Scott


Rich Northrop - @ribeye.rich is a Cardiac/Exercise physiologist, founder of the Strict Carnivore - Zero Carb Life Facebook group, and long-term carnivore who lost weight, improved IBS, acne, mental clarity, bladder issues, and back pain all on a carnivore diet.




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Rebekah Farmer - @tailoredketohealth - Beating Trauma, Making Gains in all Aspects of Life, and Getting Shredded with a Carnivore Diet (World Carnivore Month)

January 26, 2021 / by Scott


Rebekah Farmer - @tailoredketohealth - Has overcome chronic pain, severe autoimmune disorders, mood disorders, chronic Lyme, chronic CDiff all through paleo, ketogenic and now carnivore diets and other lifestyle interventions. Rebekah is returning to the show today if you missed part 1, definitely go check it out because we go deep into her inspiring and incredible story in that one. 




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Vivica Menegaz - The Essential Carnivore Diet Cookbook, Carnivore for Menopause (World Carnivore Month)

January 19, 2021 / by Scott


Vivica Menegaz (@thenourishedcaveman) is a certified whole-food nutritionist, blogger, published author and one of the leading voices advocating for a food-based approach to healing. Vivica was the first one to use the now popular expression Keto Paleo to describe her lifestyle and way of eating.

She is the founder of the The Healing Foods Method – a 14 week online nutrition program where she works 1-on-1 with clients to turn their health around.

Tracing back to her Italian origins, Vivica is a passionate cook whose love of healing food has been shared with millions through her blog, The Nourished Caveman.

She’s also the author of the upcoming book, The Essential Carnivore Diet Cookbook.




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Sally Norton, MPH - Oxalate Deep Dive and Hidden Toxins in Common Keto Foods, Autoimmunity (World Carnivore Month)

January 12, 2021 / by Scott


Sally Norton, MPH (@sknorton) is an expert in oxalates - a plant toxin found in many common “health” foods such as spinach and almonds that can cause many health disorders. Sally's first episode was the most popular episode of all time(!!!) where she gave a thorough introduction to oxalates and how they relate to carnivore/keto diets - check that out here. Sally has a degree in nutrition from Cornell University and a Masters of Public Health from the University of North Carolina. She managed a five-year, National Institute of Health-funded program at the UNC Medical School. 

You can find Sally on her websiteLinkedIn, or Instagram!




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Kelly Hogan - 11-Year Carnivore Gives Tips for Veteran Carnivores and Beginners Alike (World Carnivore Month)

January 5, 2021 / by Scott


Kelly Hogan (@kelly_hogan91) is a 10+ year carnivore who lost 130 lbs, overcame infertility, founded  the popular MyZeroCarbLife site and fantastic YouTube channel, moderator of the original Zeroing in on Health facebook group, mother, and teacher. Kelly has helped thousands of people over several years in the ZIOH facebook group and personally used a carnivore diet to overcome her excess weight struggles, fix her fertility problems, and free herself from chronic dieting. She’s producing fantastic content every day on her YouTube via stories and Q&As at kelly_hogan91 on instagram, and on her YouTube - myzerocarblife.




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Colin Stuckert - Being a Better Human and Resilient, Taking Action for Yourself, and Wild Foods

December 29, 2020 / by Scott


Colin Stuckert (@colinstuckert) is the CEO of Wild Foods (@WildFoodsCo). Obsessed with the truisms of health, Colin lives his life based on the Ancestral Mindset. By understanding our evolutionary past, he believes we can reverse our failing health through a consciously designed lifestyle based on our ancestral past and not what profit and politically driven "experts" recommend.

He is on a mission to save as many people as possible from the dangerous dogma promoted by bad science, big pharma, and big food. Colin is also the host of the awesome Ancestral Mindset podcast, he has the Better Human Newsletter, and has multiple YouTube channels on health, nutrition, and resiliency in modern society.




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