Podcast Episodes

Dr. Ted Naiman - What to Do After Carnivore, Carbs vs. Fat, Simplifying Health and Optimal Body Composition

December 22, 2020 / by Scott


Dr. Ted Naiman (@tednaiman) is an absolute personal hero of mine and someone who has taught me more about nutrition and fitness than almost anyone. Ted is a board-certified Family Medicine physician in the department of Primary Care at a leading major medical center in Seattle. His personal research and medical practice are focused on the practical implementation of diet and exercise for health optimization. Ted is the co-author of The PE Diet with William Shewfelt, who’s been on the show 3 times! Ted is absolutely brilliant - I’ve followed his work for 5 years now and he posts incredibly helpful practical advice, research, infographics, and helps thousands of people, mainly on Twitter, but also with his YouTube videos and countless podcasts - all for free! What I love most about Ted is he is not a zealot - he’s open to changing his mind on all subjects and draws from research from not only the keto/ low carb research, but also more traditional, higher-carb doctors and approaches as well.




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Tim Marr - Beating Cancer, Running Ultramarathons, and Staying Resilient

December 15, 2020 / by Scott


Tim Marr (@timmarrr) is a testicular cancer survivor, ultramarathoner, carnivore, and talented artist. Tim found the carnivore diet after having surgery on his abdomen and finding meat was the only thing that made him feel good. He recently ran and hiked a 100km ultra to raise money for Movember.


You can find Tim's artwork, his blog, and his story HERE.




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Michelle Hurn - Carnivore, Dietitian's Dilemma, and Ultramarathons

December 8, 2020 / by Scott


Michelle Hurn (@runeatmeatrepeat) is a dietitian and ultrarunner. Michelle was formerly a high carb distance runner and is now improving performance and reducing her anxiety by prioritizing protein. She’s in the process of publishing a book, The Dietitian's Dilemma, advocating a low carb, high meat diet. 




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Marty Kendall - Big Fat Keto Lies and Optimizing Nutrition for Fat Loss

December 1, 2020 / by Scott


Marty Kendall (@martykendall76) is a brilliant engineer who helps empower people through evidence-based nutrition research and technology to optimize their nutrition for their individual goals. Marty has taught me a ton over the years and he’s always producing fantastic work and tools to help people - from his thorough, research-driven blog posts to his Nutrient Optimiser app and groups to his new book, Big Fat Keto Lies. He’s absolutely amazing when it comes to deeply understanding diet and how micro and macro nutrients affect us in terms of satiety, fat loss, energy, and more.




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Casey Ruff - Metabolic Testing, Carnivore/Keto for Metabolism, and Boundless Body

November 24, 2020 / by Scott

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Casey Ryan Ruff (@Casey_Ryan_Ruff) is a guest I’ve wanted to have on the podcast for a long time and has become a close friend over the last year or so. He’s the host of the Boundless Body Podcast - which I absolutely love and think everyone listening should check out. Casey has been a certified personal trainer since 2007.


He successfully ran a metabolic testing program for a large gym, and oversaw 13 programs in the west region for his company. He has multiple certifications as a personal trainer, lifestyle coach, and performance enhancement specialist. With his nutrition coaching certifications, he specializes in low-carbohydrate lifestyles, including ketogenic and carnivore diets. He has helped thousands of clients over 13 years learn how to achieve their best life style through movement, lifestyle management, and proper diet. He lives in South Jordan, Utah, with his wife Bethany, and their two dogs and two cats. In his free time, he loves to cycle, play hockey, walk, and paddleboard!



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Judy Cho - The Carnivore Cure

November 17, 2020 / by Scott

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Judy Cho (@nutritionwithjudy) is returning to the Carnivore Cast. If you missed our first and second episodes together, definitely please go check them out HERE and HERE. They are both two of my personal favorites where we talked about Judy’s personal nutrition journey, Digestion / Gut Health on Carnivore, Feeding Kids Keto, Carnivore 75 Hard, and more!  Judy is a nutritional therapy practitioner, certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association living in Austin Texas. 

Judy follows a carnivore diet and feeds her kids keto. She believes in holistic health and functional nutrition. I love Judy's science-based and practical infographics and videos that she shares on her Instagram @nutritionwithjudy and her YouTube channel. Judy is the author of the upcoming book, The Carnivore Cure - The Ultimate Elimination Diet to Attain Optimal Health and Heal Your Body.

Judy works with clients by focusing on the root cause for an array of health struggles. Judy has helped me tremendously with my own gut issues and I was really impressed with her professional, experienced, and personalized approach.



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Ashley Stevenson - Overcoming Disordered Eating, Keto Pregnancy and Losing 60+ Lbs on Keto Carnivore

November 10, 2020 / by Scott


Ashley Stevenson, @ketocarnivoreashleyhas lost over 60 pounds on carnivore and keto diets, she's a wife and mom of 2, social media manager, and a keto and carnivore coach! She's also overcome disordered eating and had a successful keto pregnancy. Ashley shares fantastic information, recipes, and entertaining content on her Instagram page and her awesome website, KetoAshley.com.



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Stephen Stern - 70 Year Old Carnivore on a Lifetime of Diets and It's Never Too Late

November 4, 2020 / by Scott


Stephen Stern, @stephensterndc, is an almost 70 year old who has been on a Zero Carb / carnivore diet since May and has really enjoyed the journey.  Professionally, he's been a chiropractor for 35 years. Also, since 2015, he's been a Certified Trainer for GMB and provides online fitness coaching as well as one-to-one bodyweight based training at his office. Stephen has an interesting backstory with his relationship to food - from eating disorders to vegan/vegetarian to low fat to paleo, keto, and now carnivore! He has a passion for being fit & strong (at any age!!!) and shows that it’s never too late to find your optimal health.



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Marisa Rackson - MY CARNIVORE WIFE!!! - Carnivore for IBS/IBD and Body Recomposition

October 27, 2020 / by Scott


Marisa Rackson (@CarnivoreCast) is my carnivore wife!!! She's been putting up with my carnivore / keto antics for almost 8 years and has been using a carnivore / keto diet for the last 2 years to manage her IBS/IBD/Crohn's-like symptoms, transform her body, and improve her relationship with food.


Please let us know what you thought of this episode - a bit different than our others - and if you'd like to hear more from Marisa!



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Kara‌ ‌Collier‌ ‌-‌ ‌NutriSense‌ ‌Director‌ ‌of‌ ‌Nutrition‌ ‌on‌ ‌What‌ ‌Tracking‌ ‌Blood‌ ‌Glucose‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Teach‌ ‌Us‌ ‌

October 20, 2020 / by Scott


Kara Collier (@karacollier1) is the Director of Nutrition at NutriSense (@nutrisenseio), a company that uses blood glucose monitoring and coaching support to help you build your ideal diet by understanding your body's unique response to the foods you eat.


Kara is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician who specializes in glucose control and metabolism. She graduated from Purdue University and previously worked as a clinical dietitian at Providence Hospital and in a management role at Nutritionix.



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