Danny Vega (@dannyvega.ms / @FatFueledFamily) returns!
He's an expert in strength, conditioning, and performance, and how to apply nutrition to optimize all of these. I’ve been following Danny for years and I would describe him as a jacked, wise, considerate, and generous philosopher-king of keto. Danny has a MS in Human Performance from the University of Florida. His passions include ketogenic and carnivore dieting, strength and conditioning, stoicism, libertarianism, and of course, raising his sons Dean and Desmond in a holistic way with his equally amazing wife Maura.
Danny co-authored the Keto Muscle Intelligence program with Ben Pakulski. You can check out the free e-book here.
Last time I had Danny on we spoke about how he got into keto and muscle building / performance, how he feeds his kids, stoicism, quitting his mainstream job, and more! Definitely check that one out if you haven’t yet.